Growing in a Small Space
We have an allotment but also grow some food at home in containers and in a raised bed. Food that needs more care and food which you need frequently such as salad varieties are grown at home. I also like to keep a few herbs at home and also grow different varieties of mint in containers, don't plant straight into the ground it can take over.
Growing indoors
Window boxes can provide a surprisingly good harvest. Pea shoots, 'cut and come again' salad leaves and radishes are really easy to grow and taste amazing compared to some of the bland offerings from supermarkets.
Growing outdoors
On a small patio or balcony there are many vegetables and herbs that are happy growing from containers.
Hanging baskets aren't just for flowers or if they are then eat them! See Eat Your Flowers for some ideas. Strawberries and tomatoes are also good for hanging baskets.