The Kitchen
The Kitchen of our house was where most of our changes to do with sustainability and reducing waste started. The kitchen in a house probably produces the most waste through packaging and from food waste itself.
Glass storage jars
These have allowed me to buy in bulk so I am buying packaging less often and slowly the wholefood stockists are changing to alternatives for plastic packets.
It would be great to use our local zero waste refill shop but sadly at the moment they do not stock enough organic beans and lentils. I am sure this will change.
Glass freezer dishes
Although these often come with plastic lids using glass to replace the plastic freezer bags is a good solution.
Food covers
I have stopped buying single use plastic wrap but the cost of alternatives such as wax wraps and the amount I would need has meant that I have had to consider alternatives.
I continue to use my rectangular and round glass bowls with plastic lids but will not buy again. Although they have plastic lids some of the containers I think I must have had for over 10 years. If you make use of existing plastics this is still helping to reduce waste.
I have made cloth bowl covers and been given a set of reusable silicone bowl covers. I'm happy with both solutions.
If you use foil look for recycled foil. When you use foil remember you can wash it and use it again.
Some products are sold in plastic tubs there are no alternatives. See if you can reuse the tubs to store things in, or make things from such as margarine tubs cut into strips to make plant labels.
If you do use plastic freezer bags wash them and reuse them until they fall apart.
Food Waste
Regular stock takes even if it is just a quick root around in a cupboard will stop you rebuying something you have or things going past their use by date.
Try to shop locally and seasonally. Take your own bags or a basket to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
See section on Food Waste
Zero waste shops
Take your storage containers to the shops and refill. They are beginning to open in most larger towns.
Loose leaf tea and infuser
There has been a big upsurge in the availability of loose leaf tea with supermarkets stocking a range of products. The recent publicity of plastic in tea bags has led to several large manufacturers changing to plastic free tea bags. There are plenty of products to put the tea in to brew, from tea pots and tea infusers to reusable cotton tea bags.
Several wholefoods companies sell loose leaf tea, herbal tea mixes or you can buy the ingredients separately and mix your own.
Make your own
Lots of things that are bought are easily made at home. Making coleslaw, dips, nut milks and nut butters for example will reduce the amount of packaging brought into the house and will definitely save you money.