Soft Cuttings
Herbs can be propagated by soft cuttings and you can also use recycled containers to do this see Seeds
Take cuttings late Spring to early Summer to give them enough time to develop roots before Winter.
With a sharp, clean knife or scissors cut the growing tip about the width of your hand. Strip the bottom two thirds of leaves from the stem and put the tips into a jar of water. I leave mint in the jar refreshing the water daily until a few roots start to form. Transfer to a pot of compost or soil. Keep the cuttings in a sunny location but don't let them dry out. New growth will start after a month or so, pot up if necessary after a couple more months but don't plant in the ground until the following year. Keep the plants sheltered from frost.
I have been particularly successful with lavender and mint. I have even done this by cutting a section of some mint I ordered from an Indian supermarket. Herbs to try lemon balm, lemon verbena, marjoram, rosemary, sage, thyme and tarragon.
Hardwood Cuttings
We inherited a bed with blackcurrant, white currant and gooseberries. They are very old plants now and I need to take cuttings. I don't know why I haven't done this yet as you can just use the cuttings from pruning.
Cuttings such as blackcurrants need large containers or to be planted into the ground.
Trim the cuttings to 25 cm make sure there are buds on. Trim off the top at an angle 1 cm above the top bud pointing so the rain runs away from the bud. Plant the cuttings 15 cm deep leave to grow for a year.
Redcurrants, White currants and Gooseberries
Similar to the blackcurrant. Use cuttings with a bud at the top, rub off any remaining buds, plant to a depth of around 10cm but leave a gap between the lowest bud and the ground.